25th European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting - From molecules to climate change
On Thursday 29 September 2022 and Friday 30 September 2022, the 25th European scientific congress European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting (ENC2022), sponsored by the 'A. Rossi-Fanelli' Department of Biochemical Sciences, will be held in the Aula Magna Gerin of the Institute of Legal Medicine, in Sapienza University of Rome.
The meeting will bring together the complementary expertise of researchers from centres of excellence across Europe and beyond, spanning microbiology, physiology, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, structural biology, biotechnology and engineering, with a common interest in the nitrogen cycle. Specific sessions of the congress will be dedicated to the impacts of the nitrogen cycle on biotechnology and biomedicine, with a focus on the effect of human activities on the nitrogen cycle and climate change
For more details visit https://enc2022.azuleon.org/
Organizing committee
Prof. Francesca Cutruzzolà (I)
Dott. Chiara Di Lucente (I)
Prof. Giorgio Giardina (I)
Prof. David Richardson (UK)
Prof. Serena Rinaldo (I)
Prof. Gary Rowley (UK)