Chromatography and mass analysis of protein, peptides, metabolites and biological components
- Ultimate3000 system nano-system chromatography (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) equipped with an auto sampler and a flow manager, with Electrospray detector
- H-Class UPLC (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) equipped with a photodiode array detector (PDA) and a single quadrupole-mass detector linked to an Electrospray source (ACQUITY QDa)
- Gas chromatograph GC 6850A associated to a quadrupole detector 5973N (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
- Gas chromatograph GC 7890B associated to a MSD quadrupole detector 5977B (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
- Liquid chromatograph LC 1260 Infinity II equipped with an UV-Visible and fluorescence detectors
- Chromatograph HPLC Waters 600 (pump and pump controller) equipped with an autosampler (mod 717), a photodiode array UV-Visible detector (mod. 2996) and a spectrofluorimetric detector Jasco (mod. 920)
- Azura Analytical HPLC/UHPLC system, Knauer